Monday, December 10, 2007

Our little boy is growing up so fast!

Here are some pictures that my sister took of us and Aaron's side of our family. Unfortunately, Aaron's younger brother, Adam, was not able to join us in the pictures as he's away at school.

RECENT MILESTONES: Joshua is now a fast climber on the stairs. We have to keep the gate up at all times. We do, however, allow him to climb up on his own when we can be behind him and it is so much fun to watch! I believe his record time is under a minute. Also, on Friday evening Joshua was standing up holding onto my leg and then he decided like a big boy to just let go and stand on his own for quite some time. He did this several times in a row. Aaron and I were just laughing because it was evident he knew he was doing something new. :) I had a quick picture in my head of our son standing on his wedding day as a man. I'm enjoying every moment but I know he's going to grow up so fast! Our life truly is a vapor!


Anonymous said...

AWW I LOVE the pics!!! Cheryl does such a GREAT job!!!! Joshua is getting so big and is as cute as can be!!!! We love and miss you guys!!!
~The Smith Girls

Unknown said...

Oh Crystal, he is such a doll! Your sister takes awesome pictures! What a blessing to have her around. And you are right, our lives truly are a vapor. I can't believe my oldest son will be 15 one month from now. Cherish this time enjoy each milestone!
God Bless Your Family!