Monday, July 7, 2008

A New Addition To Our Family!!!

Yes, it's true, very soon we will have a new addition to our family! Could it be that we're pregnant again!?! :) No, although we did think I was pregnant and we would not be sad if I was -- However, we're not trying to add more to our quiver right now! So then, are we getting a pet? No! Do you think we're crazy? Do you really think we would get a pet at a time like this! :)

No, no, you can calm all your questions. We're sort of adopting...or maybe we should say, we're being adopted by Amber S. Yes, praise the Lord! Amber is planning to come with us for at least the first 2 months or so that we will be in Maryland. It has actually been her desire and prayer for some time that after she would graduate (which she did this past May), that she would be able to go to another Sovereign Grace Church to serve a family there as a nanny for a time. It is truly an evidence of grace in her life that she would desire to serve in this way! We are so humbled and grateful that it is our family that she is going to be apart of for this time!!!

We love you Amber! We're so grateful for your love for our Savior ... for your care for our boys ... for your friendship ... for your example ... etc. We're so glad you're the new addition to our family. :)


Anonymous said...

What a great gal that Amber is! Ahe will most definitely be a wonderful blessing to your family!

Anonymous said...

What a gift! I am so excited to see what God does for you all AND her while there!!! :)