It has now been 6 years to the day that my younger brother got to go home to the Lord. It seems a strange thing to the world to rejoice at the thought of a loved who has passed away. But the reality that my brother is not dead, but rather, more alive than ever, makes me grieve our loss with great hope and joy! You see, my brother knew that he was a great sinner in need of a great Savior and he turned to Christ in repentance and faith. It is not because my brother was a "good kid" that I know he lives in heaven now, it is because he trusted in a great Savior and submitted to Him as Lord of his life.
"For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin.
But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it—the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith." (Romans 3:20-25a)
I love my brother dearly and miss him. It is not that I am denying our loss but rather, I am rejoicing in my brother's gain and in the great God we serve. I could have never imagined how abundantly the Lord's grace would be to carry us through that time of grieving--but it was indeed (and continues to be) abundant and overflowing.
Even though my brother was only 13 at the time of the car wreck, he had born much fruit in his young life. He loved the Lord and one way he expressed this was through the worship songs he wrote (I have a whole notebook full of them). He also loved to read God's Word and would journal about how His Word was affecting his heart. I love to go back and read over these at times. A few of the songs are imprinted in my memory. Daniel played the guitar too and I can still remember the sound of his sweet small voice. He had a favorite song that he wrote about heaven and his longing to be there...he played this one over and over again. You can read the words to it on a blog my mom has started:
I pray that if you do not yet know and love the Savior, that you would turn to Him in repentance and faith. There is nothing more important in this life. (You can read more about the good news of the Gospel by going to the two links on the left side of this page: "Two Ways To Live" and the
"How Good Are You" test.)
It Is Not Death to Die
Original words by Henri Malan (1787–1864). Translated by George Bethune (1847). Music, chorus, and alternate words by Bob Kauflin
It is not death to die
To leave this weary road
And join the saints who dwell on high
Who’ve found their home with God
It is not death to close
The eyes long dimmed by tears
And wake in joy before Your throne
Delivered from our fears
Chorus O Jesus, conquering the grave
Your precious blood has power to save
Those who trust in You
Will in Your mercy find
That it is not death to die
It is not death to fling
Aside this earthly dust
And rise with strong and noble wing
To live among the just
It is not death to hear
The key unlock the door
That sets us free from mortal years
To praise You evermore
© 2008 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI)
What a great evidence of God's grace in your life!!! Praying for you and your family that God will continue to pour out His grace upon you!!! Love and miss you!
I am soooo touched!!! Theresa
I'm sure you don't remember me. I knew you when you were very young. I want you to know that your whole family has been such a blessing in my life that I can not fathom.
I was away from the Lord for a lot of years. I know our sweet Lord used your Mom and Daniel to call me back to Him. I googled your Mom's name a few years ago and came to the Eternal Perspectives poems she wrote about Daniel. My spirit was awakened and I am so blessed I can not possibly tell you.
Maybe this is not the place to let you know, so don't feel you have to ok this comment. As long as you know, that's what counts.
God bless you and your whole wonderful family, Pam
Hey Crystal! I thought of you all on the 2nd. I have it on my calendar. It's hard to believe you have 3 kids now. When did you and Amber grow up?! :) When are you moving? I think you and my cousin, Helen, will get along so well! ~Amy
oh crystal! every time someone i know dies i am brought back to this time in your family's life and the life of your church family. it was so terribly sad to walk through all of that but the memory of the many ways in which God was brought honor and glory through everybody's response still amazes me! it was incredible to see the way you all sought to honor Him through your grief. and look at the fruit that has come of these responses! only eternity will tell all...
love you and your family DEARLY!
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