Saturday, September 6, 2008

Our Joshua Is 2 Years Old!!!

Our Joshua is such an amazing gift and joy to us! He is growing in so many ways and already, even at this young age, we can see God's grace at work in his little heart.

We love to watch how he cares for his younger brothers. If they cry, Joshua does all he can to comfort them. He pats them, goes to get the pacifier for them and holds it in their mouths for them & gives them kisses. The other day, Tyler was laying on his belly and spit up Joshua went to grab a burp cloth and took it over to wipe off Tyler's mouth!

He also has a growing love for music. When we put on a CD or sing, he gets a huge smile on his face, starts dancing and singing himself. The owners of our townhouse, much to our delight, left their piano here. Joshua thoroughly enjoys making up his own little songs on it.

He's also started putting himself to bet at night...well sort of. The other night Aaron, Amber and I were all just sitting around talking (after Aaron & Joshua's regular wrestle time) and Joshua came around to each of us to give us a kiss, then started walking down the hallway singing "goodbye, goodbye, goodbye" (from the Sound of Music of course...his favorite movie) and then headed towards the stairs singing The Gospel Song which we sing to him each night before bed. How precious! It also gave us a good laugh. :)

We're so grateful to the Lord for Joshua and pray that he will grow up to know, love & worship our glorious Savior!

Happy Birthday Joshua!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Happy, happy birthday! What a big boy (and yet so little). I'd love to see him grove. How cute it must be.