Sunday, February 22, 2009

What's Inside A Huggies Diaper? :)

What's inside a Huggies Diaper? Joshua knows. :) It's one of his new favorite hobbies...trying to take his diaper off during nap time or in the morning. We've come up with a few ideas to help him and the times are becoming less and less frequent now that I walk into his room to get him and end up getting my feet wet because he has sprinkled on the carpet. :)
Here's Joshua with his mischievous smile...getting a bath after one of these times.
And here is another one of Joshua's favorite things...filling his mouth with juice and then spitting it out onto his tray or into any container he can find. (In all seriousness, I really am grateful for his creativity and desire to experiment. He just needs these creative juices to be channeled a bit.)

1 comment: said...

Oh my....He makes me laugh! Just wanted to say HI and let you know I am thinking of you. LOVE YOU!