Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Several friends have told me lately that I just have to take time to listen to the testimony of a woman named Rachel Barkey. I now know why.

If you just passed Rachel on the street, you would have no idea the turmoil and suffering she is facing. Rachel is a beautiful woman who is a wife and a mother of two children. After fighting with cancer for over 4 years, she has now been diagnosed with terminal cancer and is not expected to live to see her 38th birthday.

Several weeks ago, Rachel shared a message with a group of women entitled “Death is Not Dying: A Faith that Saves.”
As quoted on the Girl Talk Blog...Many people have asked Rachel, “Why? Why is this happening to you? To Neil? To Kate and Quinn? To your family and friends?”

“I don’t ask ‘why?’” says Rachel. “Because I know.”

Please watch or listen and learn what Rachel knows.

I have been deeply impacted by Rachel's hope and joy in the Lord through Jesus Christ, her Savior. Although I have not personally suffered with cancer, I have lost a brother I love and I have walked with others through painful trials and I am confident that there is no other way to explain such peace in the midst of suffering other than the power of God, imparting eternal hope and genuine joy through the gospel. What amazing grace is ours through Jesus Christ! We don't have to minimize our sufferings in order to make him great. In the face of real, deep, intense suffering, He is our peace, our joy, our hope, our salvation.

If you do not yet have peace with God through Jesus Christ, or, if you don't even think you need a personal relationship with Jesus Christ in order to have peace with God, please take a moment to visit Two Ways To Live to learn more about the most crucial decision you will ever make.

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